Kids today...
Today, I was ranted at by a ten year old.
I'm not talking that whole situation where a kid sits there and talks to you about nothing at all, just so they can sit there to talk to you. I'm talking a full-blown rant. Her body was shaking and her eyes were crossing -- I expected her head to rotate next, I was already prepared for a spew of vomit. All because she wanted a toy that cost fifty cents instad of thirty. Good lord...
What are parents teaching their kids nowadays? It always amazes me that the people who are least qualified for parenthood have the most children.
For me, it's just another argument for birth control.
Haha. So funny, yet so true :)
Thanks for the comment by the way.
A license should be required for conceiving a child.
Of course, I guess it wouldn't make a difference...apparently basic knowledge of traffic laws and motor vehicle operation isn't required for a drivers license.
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