Buona sera!
Needless to say, tonight was the first evening of my noncredit Italian course. Sans book, but I'll work to resolve that tomorrow. Overall I enjoyed it -- if the instructor has a great sense of humor he left it at home tonight, but he seems ok, and the class was basic, which is what I need. And it sounds so sexy! I love to hear someone speak it. I can now count, introduce myself, say hello and goodbye, where I'm from, spell my name, and give my phone number. Grandma would be so proud :)
Now, time to recover from my three-hours of sleep last night.
Don't want to burst the bubble or anything, but it's 'Buona Sera', it's just sounds like 'bona sera'...
Ah, what do I know, I learnt all my Italian in two hours from a dictionary at the airport...
Yeah, I thought it wasn't quite right. I only just got my textbook this weekend.
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